People Behaviour

                                             Your  People Culture

People are the backbone of your practice, the people who know your customers best, who have the answers for the problems your customers don't want and can't solve alone.

How do you plan to attract & keep the best employees? 

Do you let your staff know that their role is meaningful and they makes a difference?

 Do you consider yourself as an inspiring leader?

Our unique Better 1 or Better 2 Survive or Flourish Program uses  a system of Telescopes, as a metaphor to accelerate practice growth.

A telescope is a system of lens that gathers and focuses light on a subject, it creates a magnified image for direct view.

We have 3 Telescopes  for you to view! 

These telescopes form our roadmap solution, our foundations or cornerstones to Success!

  1. Your People: Tackle poor morale, loss  & retention of  talented staff, Poor leadership

  1.  Practice Performance : Lack of empowerment of team members, Poor team work, Poor  training

  1. Your Processes :Optimizing your core processes, evaluate purpose and direction!

As we focus light on these key areas, 

You are going see the shifts you need to transform your surviving practice into a Flourishing Practice!...                       

Each Telescope offers you 3 insightful ‘practice behaviours’ that you can consider

That is 9 insights and perspectives you may not have  interconnected & linked together in creating your flourishing practice

The question is now, if you are the type of Vision care professional that believes that it is  Betta -2-Flourish & wants to commit to action and take your practice from Survival to Flourish 

This program is for YOU!

Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation with a me today to start making progress towards accelerated growth for your practice and a happier, more productive team.